Throw some needles in my face or turn on grey’s anatomy while they are performing surgery and you will see me in rare form. Those are about the two staple things that will always make me squirm in my seat or plug my ears and hum a little tune, while I pretend I never heard the word ‘needle’. I did however discover something else that gave my mind a good ‘shaken up,’ from my recent travels to the infamous, red light district in Amsterdam.
As Dustin, Sarah and I stumbled across our hostel, which happened to be in the heart of the red light district; I opened the door and was warmly welcomed into the city, by a huge puff of smoke. As we stepped up to the registration desk to check in, I laughed to myself and said, ‘I think we are here!’ We were given our keys and went upstairs to put our stuff in our 12 person, co-ed rooms. Let’s just say Sarah and I thankfully shared a bunk amongst the other 10 BOYS! Needless to say, we did not shower while we stayed in Amsterdam…! haha After discovering the sleeping arrangements and realizing there weren’t too many girls chillin’ in Amsterdam that weekend, we all headed to go see what the red light district had to offer... coffee shops, lots of women dancing in windows con 'poca ropa,' kebab shops and lots of people crusin' feeling oh so mighty-highly fine.
Long story short, I think everyone should experience that part of the city, just to see how you feel while you are in it. I think it is healthy to challenge everything you know and to see how you would react in a different or uncomfortable situation. It is during those times when you discover new emotions and thoughts that allows and promotes self-growth.‘What doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger.’ right...?!
- Am I alive; check.
- Did I have a grandeous time; check.
- Feel uncomfortable at times; check.
- Laugh like a little school girl; check.
- Experience things, thoughts, emotions for the first time; check.
- Go to the red light district again; check.
Amsterdam is a gorgeous city and has a million and one canals running through the middle of all their streets. I was also able to tour the Anne Frank house. What a very moving experience to enter the place where her and her family hid for so many years. Due to my love for beer, I of course also had to tour the Heineken factory! Mmm mmm good!
My first travels outside of Spain were extremely successful. I saw more of the world, put myself in peculiar situations, laughed with friends, learned how to take naps on buses and planes and more importantly enjoyed myself thoroughly. I can now add the red light district to a list, a small list of things that can really challenge my mind…