The 'bombona' truck
You know you have adapted to the Spanish lifestyle when:
• A beer is the replacement for water.
• You block 2-5pm off your schedule because, of course, that's nap time (the siesta).
• You look forward to the daily siesta.
• You start saying ‘Vale, vale, vale’ instead of ‘ok.’
• You limit what you buy at the supermarket because you know you're going to have to carry it all the way home, up the hill.
• Sardines are your new favorite food.
• You take a siesta from 9pm ‘til 11pm, prepping for the night’s events.
• Showers are no longer than 3 minutes.
• It takes a full conversation to explain how to pronounce your name. ‘Jenna, as if you are full…como estoy llena!’ ‘Megan, like the car…como el coche (Megane)!’ Ohhhh!
• Someone calls you ‘guapa’ (beautiful) and you don’t bat an eye.
• You don’t start pre-gaming before 1am.
• You dump a gallon of olive oil on your food.
• You respond to the name ‘Gwendolyn,’ when in actuality it’s Lindsey.
• An evening out for tapas, is your dinner.
• You have the eyes to stare right through someone.
• You don’t go to the discoteca until 4am.
• You plan to wash your clothes around the weather forecast.
• You start telling your American friends to ‘toque’ you. (Call, let the phone ring once, and then hang up.)
• You stay out ‘til 8am and then wonder why everyone is going home.
• You have to light the bombona before taking a shower.
• Your ‘hot’ shower suddenly becomes freezing cold because the bombona has run out of butane gas.
• You ‘invite’ people to coffee.
• You are given shots after dinner as a digestive.
• Taking shots of olive oil ain’t no thang.
• A castle becomes a part of your backyard.
• You text in Spanish shorthand…guapa=wapa, hola=ola, chicas=chixas, quieres=kieras
• You go on evening strolls through the streets, just for the hell of it.
• You say ‘oof’ (with the downward hand motion).
• You go to the China Bazaar store (dollar store) for EVERYTHING…toothpaste, hangers, foot insoles, hampers, shampoo, laundry detergent, soap.
• Paying more than 2 euro for any alcoholic beverage makes you reconsider your choice.
• It becomes a group effort to understand Spanish slang in text messages.
• You limit your texting and phone calls because you know you're phone is going to run out of ‘saldo’ (money) if you don’t.
• You start speaking in British English because that’s the type of English you teach. ‘I’ve got my trainers? Where’s my rucksack? Do you got a plaster?
• You play the ‘toque call back’ game.
• You lose your train of thought when you have to speak English slowly.
• Recess is supposed to be over at 12:15pm but none of the teachers gather their students until 12:45pm to go inside.
• You can’t think of a word in English.
Who couldn’t fall in love the Spanish lifestyle?
At El Abuelo and enjoyng our 'free' tapa.

My hamper from the China Bazaar

I think we can call it a night...(notice the clock)

Walking home and watching the sun rise!

'Invited' for a coffee