My 3 loves in Life: Soccer, sunsets and Jaén
Real Jaén vs. Barca 'B'
Last night as we had another ‘fiesta de despedida’ (farewell party) for 3 more of my Jiennense friends and this morning as tears fell once again from my eyes, as Lindsey and Irene’s bus pulled away from the station, again I am reminded that the end of this adventure is nearing.
After 5 hours of sleep, las chicas de Casa Bombona (Coche, Benjamin and Dinner…of course there are some awesome stories behind these nicknames, my roommates and I) helped walk Lindsey to the bus station. It wouldn’t be a proper ‘despedida’ if Lindsey and I did not walk past the place where our Jiennense lives began, Hotel Europa. Hotel Europa is located in our very own barrio and we reminisced about our first few days in Jaén as we walked past. Staying true to our characters, we all shared some laughs about how when Lindsey and I arrived in the Hotel, I tripped and literally fell on top of my suitcase as I tried carrying it up the stairs. We also laughed as we reminisced about the phone call Lindsey received from Megan because she heard through the small Jaén grapevine, that we were looking for a 3rd roommate. These girls have helped keep me sane throughout these 10 months and I am grateful to have such true friends in my life. The 3 of us have always had THE best times! Vroom-Vroom goes Casa Bombona!
In typical Spanish form, Monday was NOT my last day at work. (We may as well continue dragging out my own ‘despedida!’) As I walked into my first class of the day, my coordinator was waiting for me to ask if today was my last day. I of course said yes and she followed with, ‘Well can you come Friday so we can say goodbye properly.’ I am not leaving Jaén ‘til Saturday, therefore Friday WILL be my last day at work!
I wanted to do something special for the end of the year and tie this Spanish teaching experience together, so I requested that Mari Lola and I have an ‘Open House’ for the 4 and 5 year old parents. I thought it would be fun for them to come and see how much English their children have learned. Last Wednesday and Monday we held the open houses and they were a huge success. I began each session by asking the kiddos two questions, ‘What’s your name, and how are you,’ we reviewed the vocabulary from the year and of course sang and danced the songs learned throughout the year. I could not be more proud of my students. At the end of a couple of the performances parents came up to me and thanked me for all my work. One parent was so thrilled, she told me that I should be proud of myself because her child knows a lot more in English than just colors and the numbers. She couldn’t stop smiling and telling me how lucky the school has been to have had me this past year. A native, British father expressed how happy he was to finally meet me because one time when he heard his little 4 year old son, Ethan speak a few words in English, but in a non-British accent, he was stunned. ‘Where had Ethan learned this crazy accent? he thought! Haha. These open houses were a great way to bring my Jaén teaching experience full circle.
The final cleaning has begun in our piso and the packing is about to begin. Many clothes will be donated and some will be thrown away because I have worn some to pieces. I will not be bringing home more than the two suitcases I brought with me!
As I was reminded of this morning from my neighbor Jose Carlos, ‘you are always traveling,’ I will be completing this European adventure with yes, a little more traveling. Carrying nothing less than my backpack, towel and bathing suit, I am headed to the beach. Hostels, couches and the sand will play home for the next week and a half. I am going to Nerja this weekend, a small beach town along the Mediterranean Sea and then Portugal for a week. I thought it is only fitting to get out of the ‘big’ city known as Jaén and relax where I can dig my feet in the sand. I mean a little tan won’t hurt either before returning to California! After Portugal, I will be spending 2 nights in Madrid for 2 final nights of ‘despedidas’ with the roommates and Kimball, before boarding a Cali bound plane on the 17th. The end is indeed near, but Europe, I am not quite done with you!
June 5th- give up my keys to our gypsy landlords
June 5-8- Nerja
Night of June 8- LAST final night in Jaén...oh yeah, Iroquai bound!
June 9-15- Portugal- Faro, Lagos, Lisbon and Porto
June 15-17- Madrid
June 17- LAX
Despedida para Lindsey, Irene y Jonah.

Las Chixas de Casa Bombona

Botellon antes del partido de futbol!

I'm gonna miss these lil guys.

Spanish Senoritas...sitting in the park, listening to Spanish bands, live!