I recently have found myself running in circles around the streets of Plaza de Belen, my barrio, during the wee hours of the morning. After guzzling a couple beers and socializing with new friends, the soccer ball always seems to appear in the middle of the bar. Whether or not I may be dressed properly for the games that are about to take place, I could never turn down a game of 1 v 1. It is then when the playful game of take away inside the bar is brought to the street for a more serious game of keep away! Soccer has never been anything I take lightly, so why would things change here in Spain? Whether I end up chasing the ball all night down the narrow streets, through cars, under cars, or the number of 'canos' (nutmegs) that are being tallied between my legs, I always leave a little more sweaty and with a huge smile on my face.
This past week I was asked by Antonio, the dad from Casa de Cordoba, if I wanted to join in on their family 'pick up' futbol game. Of course I said yes because I could never turn down such an invitation. As I met up with everyone before the game, I of course was outnumbered: 8 boys to 2 girls! Upon seeing the numbers, my mentality quickly switched to, BRING IT! We played an intense, hour long game of 5 v 5, which brought many goals, yells, falls, and of course laughs. At times I had no idea what anyone was saying because the game was full of male testosterone, which brought a whole new slue of words for me to learn. The Spaniards are really good and have great, quick ball skills. I may not be as agile as I used to be, but I still can give the boys a run for their money! As I took in this awesome experience, I kept my emotions in check and proved my love and ability for the game. I am anxiously waiting for the next big game!

Local game in Sevilla
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