A poor, yet prideful country sits on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea from Spain and recently became my next subject to explore. I have never been one to do a ton of research before hitting the road, but was aware the Spaniards all have mixed emotions about Morocco. ‘Be careful, have fun, make sure to take a boy with you,’ were shared words of concern I received, upon leaving for the weekend from friends and co-workers. I however, was going to take this country like any other, with an open mind.
For once in my life I was speechless. Me, at a loss for words…never. But as I walked through the medina in Fes, I found myself silent. I was aware. I was suspicious. I had my game face on. New thoughts filled my head. New emotions engulfed my body. I placed myself in situations for the first time and thought things I never imagined thinking. I held onto my purse a little tighter and became suspicious of everyone. Can I trust this person? Are they genuinely being nice to me or are they being nice because they want my money? I stood strong, held my ground, walked and talked confidently. And after four hours inside the 9000+, maze-like streets of the medina, I left without having bought a thing and mentally exhausted.
It’s been hard to put this experience into words. But reflecting back, I am thankful for my time in Morocco because I was tested in more ways than one. Two differing cultures met and I walked away with a new appreciation of their culture and way of life. I was welcomed into their country and saw an in-depth, close-up depiction of their daily life.
Morocco caught me speechless…and I still am.
Differing cultures

The Tanneries

'THE' carpet/rug presentation

3 Americans and the Brit in front of the Royal Palace


Inside the market in the Medina

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