Last night was our last Saturday in Jaén and ironically was the last series of concerts in the park. Lindsey, Megan and I have a 100% attendance record at the concerts and always enjoyed, sitting in the park, talking with good friends and listening to a variety of Spanish bands, live. Tonight we will be attending the Real Jaén fútbol game for the surprisingly, first and last time. Tonight’s game is a big one and we will all be there rooting them on in our purple, fan (easy wear) apparel. Viva Real Jaén!
Speaking of lasts, tomorrow happens to be my ‘last day of work.’ I have always found myself to be the happiest while being at work amongst my co-workers and students and I know tomorrow will be a happy, yet sad day. Goodbyes are never fun. Usually, ‘see ya later,’ or ‘luego’ is a better choice of words, hoping to see the person again soon. But tomorrow will be different. I know I will most likely never see some of my Spanish friends, co-workers and students, ever again. I better put on the water-proof mascara!
June 5th will be the ‘last time’ I call my piso, my home and also the city that has captured my heart. Even though my days are now being filled with ‘lasts,’ I will forever have my memories of this past year to hold on to. All good things must come to an end and I am just thankful to have had this year be such a positive experience for me. Jaén, I challenge you to bring it, this final week!
Last night with Dustin

Never a dull moment with the roommates, and Kimball!

I love and am gonna miss Jaén

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